Will Going Solar Eliminate Your Electric Bills?

Going solar can drastically reduce your monthly electric bills and, after installing a home PV system, you might even see the amount due drop to zero.

Savings on electricity is one of the primary reasons people adopt photovoltaic power. And with expert system design and installation, a solar array can save you thousands over the course of its lifetime. If eliminating your electric bills is your goal in going solar, keep the following in mind as you plan your project.

Your Household Energy Consumption

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average home uses 867 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy every month. And, monthly electric bills in the Intermountain West can be upwards of $125.

Before going solar, consider minimizing your energy use, as doing so can help reduce your photovoltaic project price. Offsetting a great deal of energy can be costly, and if you want a home PV system to defray all of your electric expenses, household energy efficiency may need to be a priority.

Your Home PV System Size

Don’t want to embrace energy efficiency? That’s not a problem, but you will need to install a larger solar array.

The size of your home PV system will directly affect your monthly electric bills. Install enough solar panels, and you can produce enough electricity to completely cover your household energy needs.

Your Photovoltaic Costs

Offsetting your household energy use and eliminating your electric bills requires a significant investment – but now is a great time for going solar.

How so? The federal solar tax credit currently reduces your photovoltaic system costs by 30 percent, and a number of state and local financial incentives are available. As these perks are rapidly disappearing, planning your home PV installation sooner rather than later is best.

Your Gains from Going Solar

Even if your home PV system doesn’t produce enough energy to completely eliminate your monthly electric bills, you’ll still benefit by adopting photovoltaic power.

A solar array can boost the value of your home by quite a bit. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, solar-powered homes typically sell up to 20 percent faster than comparable properties without photovoltaic systems – and for up to 17 percent more money. Going solar is a secure investment, one that is sure to pay off in immediate electricity savings and in the long term.

Want to learn more? Or are you ready to start planning your PV system installation? For a cost-effective solar array that meets your energy needs, call on the professionals at Intermountain Wind & Solar.

At Intermountain Wind & Solar, we make adopting photovoltaic power easy – and if you live in Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming or Nevada, we invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation. If you’re interested in going solar and eliminating your monthly electric bills, contact us today.

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