How Hiring a Professional Solar Contractor Saves You Money

Why pay a professional solar contractor when you can buy a solar panel kit and install it yourself? Wouldn’t that cost less?

Perhaps, but sticker price isn’t the only consideration. When you consider the bigger picture, paying a little less upfront and going the DIY route really isn’t a smart financial move. In the long run hiring a professional solar contractor can actually save you money.

Time is Money

How much do you know about installing solar panels? If you plan to handle your own photovoltaic installation, you’d better be ready to spend many, many hours reading manuals and watching instructional videos. The skills and knowledge you need to attain before embarking on the project include:

  • How to evaluate a rooftop for adequate structural support
  • How to properly size a photovoltaic system
  • How to attach solar panels safely and securely to a rooftop
  • How to place a rooftop array to maximize energy production
  • How to wire the system and install the inverter

Time is money, as the saying goes. And this is just a partial list – and the less you know now, the more time you need to spend studying. If you don’t do your research, you might miss a crucial step. Don’t want to invest the time? Hire a professional solar contractor.

Mistakes are Costly

Let’s say you already know quite a bit about installing solar panels, or you don’t mind spending the time to learn. Why not handle your own project and skip hiring a professional contractor?

You can, but remember this – if you mess up even a minor part of the photovoltaic system installation process, you’ll bear the full weight of fixing the problem. Mistakes can be expensive to repair, and any you make could cancel out the initial savings of taking the DIY approach.

Mistakes can cost you in another way, too. You expect your solar panels to produce a certain amount of electricity, but if you get the orientation, tilt or placement wrong, you can count on a loss in energy production. In the hands of an experienced solar contractor, this won’t happen – you’ll see optimal energy savings from the start.

DIY Solar is a Gamble

DIY solar panel kits don’t come cheap – many cost tens of thousands of dollars or more. Do you really want to take any risks when spending that kind of money? Can you afford to shoulder the costs if your DIY installation goes sour?

With a professional solar contractor, you can enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that your photovoltaic system installation was completed with expert care and masterful workmanship. You’ll gain maximum energy production, while enjoying problem-free operation and the security of warranty coverage.

If you live in Utah, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada or Wyoming and are looking for an experienced professional contractor to handle your solar panel installation, call on the team at Intermountain Wind & Solar.

We can answer your questions, explain your options and design a cost-effective photovoltaic array that meets your electricity needs. Contact Intermountain Wind & Solar and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and find out how a leading professional solar contractor can save you money today.

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