Solar Power Issues Could Sway Independent Swing State Voters

Although you may not hear solar power mentioned as often as immigration, gun control and the federal debt, alternative energy issues have sparked a great deal of debate among the 2016 presidential candidates.

In fact, political scholars believe that solar power may exert quite an effect on the upcoming election cycle.

In March, The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC) commissioned a national public opinion research firm to conduct a poll among independent voters in the swing states.

You may be surprised by what they discovered.

Swing State Independent Voters Favor Solar Energy

TASC polled independent voters in 11 swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Those polled were overwhelmingly in favor of increasing the use of photovoltaic power.

Nearly 90 percent of those polled agreed that homeowners should have the choice of adopting solar energy, and that the country would benefit from job growth in the alternative energy industry.

A whopping 77 percent agreed that industry growth will help keep electric rates down for consumers. Only a small number of the voters polled — just 6 percent — were against increasing solar power for the purpose of competition in the electricity market and creating new jobs.

According to TASC, the poll results indicate that solar power is an issue of key importance to independent voters in the upcoming elections.

Solar Power Viewpoints of Presidential Candidates

The Democratic presidential candidates are supportive of photovoltaic power. Hillary Clinton wants the United States to become a clean energy superpower, with more than 500 million solar panels providing electricity. Bernie Sanders is also a strong advocate and believes that the country needs to rely less on fossil fuels and invest more heavily in renewable energy.

Donald Trump has been very vocal against renewable energy and has said that solar technology is unproven.

Those interested in the financial savings and energy independence that solar power provides may have to let their voices be heard in the voting booth, at local, state and federal levels.

Independent Voters May Vote for Candidates in Support of Solar Energy

So who will the independent voters end up choosing in the election?

It might seem that most would vote on the Democrat side, as both Clinton and Sanders edged out Trump in this particular poll. But this isn’t a certainty. According to the TASC report, 27 percent of the independent voters polled would seriously consider switching their support to a Republican candidate if he showed more vocal support for solar energy.

Whatever the outcome of this year’s elections, the experienced professionals of Intermountain Wind & Solar will continue providing residential and commercial customers with the significant financial and energy independence benefits provided by alternative energy technologies.

Contact us today for your complimentary energy evaluation. You can protect your family and property through the political winds of change with your own solar power system.

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